Adaptive Medicine

Articles: 1.Current

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2021, Vol. 13.

Irinotecan, between Journeys and Stories. Adaptive Medicine 13: 1-3, 2021 DOI: 10.4247/AM.2021.ACB255

Age-related Endothelial Cell Senescence-Implications in Hypertension. Adaptive Medicine 13: 4-7, 2021 DOI: 10.4247/AM.2021.ACB258

Effect of Chronic Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia on Cardiac Function in Female Metabolic Syndrome Rats. Adaptive Medicine 13: 8-15, 2021 DOI: 10.4247/AM.2021.ACB257

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Chemokine Cysteine-Cysteine Motif Ligand 5. Adaptive Medicine 13: 16-19, 2021 DOI: 10.4247/AM.2021.ACB259

Involvement of the JAK2/STAT5 Pathway in Human Prolactin Effects on Calcitonin Secretion by TT Cells. Adaptive Medicine 13: 20-27, 2021 DOI: 10.4247/AM.2021.ACB260

Sarcopenia in Older Adults and Resistance Training. Adaptive Medicine 13: 28-36, 2021 DOI: 10.4247/AM.2021.ACB256

2022, Vol. 14.

Research Progress in Prolactin and Breast Cancer. Adaptive Medicine 14:1-9, 2022 DOI:10.4247/AM.2022.ACC261

Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Ophiocordyceps sinensis Cultivated in Adlay-based Media. Adaptive Medicine 14:10-18, 2022 DOI:10.4247/AM.2022.ACC262

Effects of Caffeine on the Development of Deciduoma and Fetus. Adaptive Medicine 14: 19-23, 2022  DOI: 10.4247/AM.2022.ACC264

Djulis (Chenopodium formosanum Koidz.) Husk Ethanol Extract Induces Cell Apoptosis in Human Liver Cancer Cells.  Adaptive Medicine 14: 24-31, 2022 DOI: 10.4247/AM.2022.ACC265

Whether of Plyometric Training Improves Lower Limb Power, DirectionSpecific Movement Velocity, and Agility in Badminton Players.  Adaptive Medicine 14: 32-37, 2022 DOI: 10.4247/AM.2022.ACC266

Effect of Standing Jumps on 60-m Sprint Kinematics. Adaptive Medicine 14: 38-43, 2022 DOI: 10.4247/AM.2022.ACC269

Key Factors Affecting Participation in Recreational Sports Among Middle-Aged and Older Women. Adaptive Medicine 14: 44-57, 2022 DOI: 10.4247/AM.2022.ACC268

Stem Cell–Derivative Improves Parkinson’s Disease. Adaptive Medicine 14: 58-59, 2022 DOI: 10.4247/AM.2022.ACC270

Tumor Target: Friend or Foe? Adaptive Medicine 14: 60-61, 2022 DOI: 10.4247/AM.2022.ACC271

2023, Vol. 15.

Effects of Digoxin on Cell Metastasis and Invasion in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Adaptive Medicine 15: 1-5, 2023 DOI: 10.4247/AM.2023.ACD273

Some Essential Issues in Cancer Biology. Adaptive Medicine 15: 6-9, 2023 DOI: 10.4247/AM.2023.ACD272

Stem-Cell-Derived Exosome Alleviates Hyperlipidemia in a Patient with Pectus Excavatum. Adaptive Medicine 15: 10-12, 2023 DOI: 10.4247/AM.2023.ACD275

The Effect of Digoxin on Ovarian Cancer Cells. Adaptive Medicine 15: 13-15, 2023 DOI: 10.4247/AM.2023.ACD276

Antibacterial Properties and Primary Ingredients of Wasabi Extract. Adaptive Medicine 15: 16-23, 2023 DOI: 10.4247/AM.2023.ACD277

Effects of prostaglandin E2 on expression of cyclins in TT cells. Adaptive Medicine 16: 1-9. 2024 DOI: 10.4247/AM.2024.ACE278

Chondromalacia: Etiology, Management Challenges, and Alternative Treatment. Adaptive Medicine 16: 10-12. 2024 DOI: 10.4247/AM.2024.ACE279






ISSN (E) 2218-340X

ISSN (P) 2076-944X

ISSN (L) 2076-944X

DOI: 10.4247/AM

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